
《一百萬零一夜》(Slumdog Millionaire)

剛睇完,《一百萬零一夜》(Slumdog Millionaire),有意思和內函的一部電影, 現在的香港人不好日日埋冤自己的生活多麼困難,其實我們已經是地球上最幸福的人。唔使我講大家都知《Slumdog Millionaire》响第66屆金球獎中拎咗4個獎項,包括:最佳導演、最佳劇本、最佳電影原著音樂及最佳劇情片可想而知此片的故事內容係幾咁受人讚賞,我睇完都真係拍爛手掌 。
 我無咩記性,唔太記得,但Danny Boyle執導既《Trainspotting》,就令我到依家都記得經典一幕(跳落屎坑)仲有《28Days Later》及《Sunshine》,雖然Sunshine我麻麻,不過都係咁易睇過。
 將現在與過去的串插手法講述故事內容,故事其實好簡單,但當中的含意較為令人睇見心酸,不過也加入了爆笑元素;小孩時期既男主角Ayush Mahesh Khedekar樣子可愛,做戲時又七情上面,相比青年版既男主角Dev Patel的演技還精湛戲中還能多了解在印度的貧民區生活既情況,我哋住响香港地,窮極都未必會遇到好似戲中既生活,所以話,我哋實際好幸福。
From 7:20-9:15 pm didn't know much about this movie before I went to see it, but so worth it! I would have said it is a "must go", but I have to admit I do not think this is for everyone. The plot, as far as Jamal's quest to impress the girl, WAS a little too sweet but that is what made it charming and offered the stark contrast to the poverty that charming and offered the stark contrast to the poverty that surrounded and dogged them. For most, I would say this is excellent and you should go, just be prepared to squirm in places.Amazing story,cinematography, acting...it definitely deserves to win best picture! And you don't leave the theatre feeling depressed, which is nice for a change :)

