
Swing analysis of Anthony Kim

1. Okay, today, we will do a“real”swing analysis of Anthony Kim's swing.Now, this young man gas a great swing and might start taking over PGA Tour with multiple wins.
2. At takeaway, Anthony is a little too much inside. (This is what the“traditional”golf teachers teach you. But don't be fooled, the follow-through will prove that Anothony“came back”to the right plane to hit the ball, which almost every pro tour golfer does)
3. At half-way, Anthony is still way too inside but that's okay as it will get from here on.
4. At top os his swing, you can see how well his hands, and clubface are in-plane. (The four diagonal lines represent the true plane of the golf swing)
5. At downswing, Anthony is slightly inside the plane, which is perfectly acceptable.
6. At impact, notice how his left arms is straight and right arms slightly bent like at address.
7. Now what impresses me about Anthony Kim's swing is not his takeaway or backswing but right after impact.
As you can see, his clubface is almost dead-on or slightly outside the plane. This movement is actually the best move. (Players like Ben Hogan and Tiger Woods do this)
8.After impact, it gets even better as Anthony's club stays on-plane.
9.At finish, check out how controlled his right foot is, it's barely coming up.
What can you learn from Anthony Kim's swing?
There are many ways to swing the club. Try to focus on getting that club on-plane at the top of your swing and after impact.
Even most tour pros have completely different opinions on how to swing on-plane but their after impact positions will be the same.
Here's Anthony Kim's swing in slow-motion (SWING VISION):
Swing isn't everything but does help.
Here's a good video of Anthony Kim's swing. From what I can tell as a pro golfer, Anthony Kim comes the closes to mimicking Tiger’s followthrough. Well, I think it's actually better than Tiger's as Anthony doesn't lift off his left foot like Tiger used to do at his age.
Anthony Kim Driver Slo Mo Verizon Heritage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8finF6n64Qg
This young man has a great future ahead of him. I won’t be surprised if he keeps winning more tournaments this year.
Hurray, go Anthony! :)

Anthony Kim

NAME / Anthony Kim
AGE / 22
HOME / Dallas Los Angeles, California, USA
Born June 19, 1985 (1985-06-19) (age 23)
Height 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m)
Nationality United States Residence Dallas, Texas, USA

Turned professional 2006
Current tour(s) PGA Tour
Professional wins 2
Number of wins by tour
PGA Tour 2

Best results in Major Championships
The Masters DNP U.S. Open T20 (2007)
Open Championship T7 (2008)
PGA Championship T50 (2007)

When Tiger Woods first laid eyes on Anthony Kim's belt buckle, he feigned disgust. "What is that?" Woods asked, gesturing to the large initials.
"Well, Nike hasn't put my initials on anything yet," Kim shot back, evoking a smile from Tiger.
Kim might have been joking, but no doubt only in part. He expects to be No. 1 in the world, which he will reiterate to anyone who asks, and he wasn't about to take grief, even from Tiger.
Kim, the youngest golfer on the PGA Tour, has confidence in a supply that is equal to his skill, which is substantial. He tied for second in his PGA Tour debut last fall, at the Valero Texas Open in San Antonio, and earned $1.1 million in the first five months of 2007.
"That was awesome," Anthony says. "If you're 16 and had the house to yourself all the time, you'd be in heaven, too."
His parents also bought him a membership to PGA West's four private courses.
"The best possible move he could ever have made," says Kevin Scheller, his friend and coach, noting PGA West's many playing and practice options.
Kim was the best prep golfer in Southern California as a sophomore at La Quinta High and later was a three-time All-American at Oklahoma. Success helped his confidence, but failure also was a contributing factor. He wanted to be a three-sport professional athlete, before realizing his size, now 5-10 and 160, was an impediment to NBA and NFL careers.
"I was always the smallest one playing basketball," he says, "but I felt like, if I had the right attitude, I could win, or I could guard a guy who's five or six inches taller and it wouldn't be a big deal."


Life's traffic signal




救市規模不管多大,一旦觸動不同「持份者」(stakeholders)的利益,便會衍生出諸如減稅 VS 增加公共開支、納稅人 VS 私人投資者、甲銀行 VS 乙銀行等連串博弈。由於不同界別之間利益相沖相剋,救市效力大打折扣,不在話下。

統計由美國財政部於周三公布,關乎聯邦政府財政收入和開支。很悶?從圖一可見,美國政府收入(revenues)已連續九個月出現年比萎縮,跌勢之長僅次於2001年「九一一」與經濟衰退同時出現的那一年。這有何大不了?不要忘記,奧巴馬的刺激經濟方案號稱「新新政」(The New New Deal),是羅斯福總統在大蕭條期間推出救市措施以來,規模最龐大的振興經濟計劃。「新新政」剛在國會過關,方案內各個項目涉及的巨額開支尚未動用一分一毫,美國政府收入已差成這個樣子;刺激經濟措施逐步落實後,入不敷支有多嚴重,不言而喻。
救市措施的效用,就如挽救銀行方案(TARP 1.0、2.0、3.0?)一樣,發揮需時;有用無用,此刻難以說準。可以肯定的是,美國政府收入持續惡化(加不加稅是以後的事,眼前絕不可能),支出卻衝上雲霄,財赤飛升無可避免。
可是,美國眼下要清理的債務和過剩產能,恐怕遠超政府通過赤字財政製造出來的額外需求;要令通脹在實體經濟中出現,並非一些人想像般容易。關於這一點,日本的情況足以說明一切。圖三顯示日本泡沫經濟爆破後,政府不斷增加公共開支,1989年至今,官方債務佔GDP比率從 68.5%急升至186%。然而,日本時至今日仍未擺脫通縮,以致該國十年期長債孳息從1990年8.2厘高位,一直下跌至目前約1.3厘水平【圖四】。

1981 年,月租2萬元一千呎嘅住宅市值110萬元,因為當年最優惠貸款利率22厘;到今天,同樣住宅單位月租亦只有25000元,但住宅市值已升至400幾萬元。點解二十八年內租金只上升25%,而樓價卻上升445%?皆因利率喺過去二十八年大幅回落。如果冇利率回落嘅因素,1981年市值110萬元嘅住宅今天市值將低於137萬元(因折舊因素)。1981至2008年上半年,本港樓價升幅中約有420%來自信貸膨脹,可惜呢個因素由2008年下半年起告一段落。當存款利率降至0.25厘後,未來仲有幾多減息空間(港元利率已降至0.01厘):去年下半年起樓價開始回落,主因係開始抵銷未來利率上升嘅因素。因此,長遠而言,地產股已失去投資價值。
Get Wise, Get Wealthy and Get On With your Life.


"Seven Pounds" 明白施比授更為有福的道理

Anyone who tells you they were able to figure out "Seven Pounds" at the beginning of the movie is lying. It has some twists and turns that are sure to surprise even the most seasoned movie-goer.
The film opens up with Ben Thomas (Will Smith) on the phone to 911. He is in a state of high anxiety, and at this point we don't know where we are in the film as far as the plot (Is it a flashback? Is it taking place in real time, with the entire film's story to follow?).
From there cut to him at his beach house - again, not a happy guy. He's on the phone to someone by the name of Ezra Turner (Woody Harrelson), a customer service rep at a meat company. Turns out Ezra is blind, and after a bit of semi-uncomfortable humor Ben really starts to rip into Ezra in a pretty despicable way. Ezra maintains himself and never sinks to Ben's level, finally hanging up politely.
From there Ben goes on to see a number of people including a young boy with cancer, Emily Posa (Rosario Dawson) who has congenital hear failure, and a couple of other people. He works for the IRS and it's weird to see him be so friendly with a smile on his face as he sits down to tell people they're being audited.
There are many flashbacks in the film and in one of them we see that he was not always an IRS agent, but ran an aerospace engineering firm. How he got from there to his present position is one of the mysteries in the film.
Seven Pounds is all about the relationships between Ben and these people, especially Emily. Now it will depend on your outlook as to whether this is an emotionally powerful film or sappy and manipulative. The problem with this movie regardless of which of those points of view you ascribe to is that it’s just too damned long. It clocks in at two hours and the whole point of the film is the mystery, the reveal and the denoument. The thing is if you have half a brain you'll figure out the “what he's doing” part of the mystery VERY early on - and from there it will seem like it's being dragged out for who the director must assume are the less bright members of the audience.

With all that being said, is "Seven Pounds" a good movie? I think so. I'm afraid it's not a good enough movie to earn Will Smith the Oscar that he seems to so desperately desire, but it's a good movie nonetheless. Maybe not the most cheerful movie you will see in 2008 (or early 2009) and given the time of year that it's hitting the theatres, it probably won't be the festive movie that will bring joy to the world during the holiday season. But it's a good movie nonetheless. It's a movie about fate, about respectable people who deserve a break in life and about someone who is willing to help these people get that break.
"Seven Pounds" is one of those movies that will probably be better on a second viewing. It's good to watch it once without really knowing a lot about the story and then watching it again with a full understaning of what is happening. It is a movie that is sure to touch your soul and make you think of your place on this earth, about fate and about the situation of others. It may bring a tear to your eye but at the same time put a smile on your face. Overall, "Seven Pounds" is a very solid movie. It's kind of hard to believe that this is the same man who played "Hancock" and "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air". One day that Oscar will come Mr. Smith. One day.



然而,我們卻常常在不該打退堂鼓時拼命打退堂鼓,為了恐懼失敗而不敢嘗試成功。以關穎珊贏得 2000年世界花樣滑冰冠軍時的精彩表現為例:她一心想贏得第一名,然而在最後一場比賽前,她的總積分隻排名第三位,在最後的自選曲項目上,她選擇了突破,而不是少出錯。在 4分鐘的長曲中,結合了最高難度的三周跳,並且還大膽地連跳了兩次。她也可能會敗得很難看,但是她畢竟成功了。她說:「因為我不想等到失敗,才後悔自己還有潛力沒發揮。」一個中國偉人曾說;勝利的希望和有利情況的恢複,往往產生於再堅持一下的努力之中。」
然而我們卻常說,等我老了,要去環遊世界;等我退休,就要去做想做的事情;等孩子長大了,我就可以去當志工…… 我們都以為自己有無限的時間與精力。其實我們可以一步一步實現理想,不必在等待中徒耗生命。如果現在就能一步一步努力接近,我們就不會活了半生,卻出現自己最不想看到的結局。