


一般說來,A型的人大都個性溫和,順應球場環境的能力很,但是完美主義的A型總愛瞎操心。 A型高球手一定得從平常的練習培養信心,千萬不要給自己太大的壓力,悲觀可說是A型的共同特色!也是最大的缺點,往往在發球不順後,產生連鎖的失誤,而想從球賽中逃避,不願去面對。
一般來說O型的人是正直、熱情的,而且十分能幹,高爾夫專業求知欲很強。他們打起球來也許自顧自己,但是無可否認的是,別人打不好,他們也具有深厚的同情心。要激發O型的鬥志與毅力,除非有獎品可以競爭,否則一切免談啦! O型的人性格上樂觀進取,明朗外向,意志堅定,有自信心,做事情有決斷力。
AB型的人兼具了A型與B型的特質,因此是個雙重人格的血型。是個自我表現欲很強的人,他們處世積極,他們做事有計劃,但是沒有耐性,容易衝動硬拼。基本上AB型只有三分鐘熱度,只有與比自己段數更高的人拼球技,才會更進一步自我要求。不過AB型的人很能夠把握練球要領,而且速度敏捷。 AB型的多話往往是最大缺點,比賽中容易使球友分心,是值得注意的缺點。

發生位置發生情 形罰 則備 註
發球台.把球座置於發球標誌之前.罰兩桿.遺失球或界外球,或打入水池中,可回到發球台重打,桿數不增加 (置球座的位置是以二個發球標誌的連線為寬,兩支球桿長度為長的長方形區域內。).
發球台.揮桿落空,球從球座上掉下來.免 罰.揮桿落空也算一桿,並從球掉下的地方打下一桿。(把球拿起放回球座要罰二桿。).
發球台.無意中弄錯了打擊順序.免 罰.基於禮貌最好向對方賠禮.
發球台.搖擺身體,球從球座上掉下來.免 罰.不是比賽中的球,所以只要把球放回球座上重打即可.
球道.拿掉球旁邊的小枯枝.免 罰.如果除掉枯枝時動到球,則罰一桿並做重置球動作.
球道.球落在球道上的標紙上面.免 罰.採可移動障礙物的補救措施。撿起球,除去球下的障礙物,然後站在球位原處,背對球洞拋球.
3.罰一桿並在球動和球連結線後方(距離沒有限制)拋球。球落在界外界標上,因不是界外球,所以把球標拔起來再打球 罰二桿 界標並不是障礙物:無法擊球時,只能採無法擊球的補救措施(見上)
球道.球撞入球道的水窪中.免 罰.適用偶發的水障礙補救措施。避開水窪,以離球最近的地點為基點,在一支球桿長度的範圍做拋球動作.
球道.球撞入整修地.免 罰.適用整修地的補救措施,如果要打整修地內的球也可以,唯一補救方法為以離球最近的地點為基點,在一支球桿長度範圍內做拋球動作.
沙坑.在沙坑中不小心打到對手的球.免 罰.障礙區內的誤球免罰,誤打球的打數也不算,需改打自己的球。.
水障礙.球在水池,因水較淺,就地擊球.免 罰.但準備擊球或上桿時,球桿不可觸及水面.
果嶺.弄錯推桿順序.免 罰..
果嶺.拿掉球邊的樹葉時不慎誤動球.免 罰.在果嶺上除去可移動障礙物時誤動了球,不必受罰,但要把球放回原位.
果嶺.踩掉對手的推桿線.免 罰.在球場上應盡量注重禮節.

係每一洞開始打球的地點,一般球場每一洞均有設置兩個發球標誌,以其標誌的外緣為界線,其後方兩個球桿之縱深為開球區,此桿賽球員在開球區以外,打該洞之第 一桿時,應罰兩桿,並應重新在開球區內重打。開始時打球者可用球座(T)、或堆土、或沙、或是用其他物質墊上球來打每一洞之第一球。

球員打球時應不限必須 站在開球區內,只限球應置於開球區內。

準備打球者,如碰觸到球使球由球座上落下,可重置於球座上不必罰桿,但如是揮桿擊球而不管球是否落下或沒有碰到球, 球還停留在原位,都應算一桿,如球有掉落球座,則不可再將球置回球座上,否則以觸球論必須罰桿。



Putting Game!!!
Good on-line putting game.




2010 The Ryder Cup at the Celtic Manor Resort

Past Results of The Ryder Cup

Every match in our exclusive Ryder Cup history section contains archival photos, scorecards, and synopsis.

Year Site USA Eur/GB/GBI W
2008 Valhalla Golf Club
Louisville, Kentucky
16 ½ 11 ½ Flag Icon
2006 The K Club, Straffan
Co. Kildare, Ireland
9 ½ 18 ½ Flag Icon
2004 Oakland Hills CC
Bloomfield Township, MI
9 ½ 18 ½ Flag Icon
2002 The Belfry
Sutton Coldfield, England
12 ½ 15 ½ Flag Icon
1999 The Country Club
Brookline, MA
14 ½ 13 ½ Flag Icon
1997 Valderrama GC
Sotogrande Spain
13 ½ 14 ½ Flag Icon
1995 Oak Hill CC
Rochester, NY
13 ½ 14 ½ Flag Icon
1993 The Belfry
Sutton Coldfield, England
15 13 Flag Icon
1991 The Ocean Course
Kiawah Island, S.C.
14 ½ 13 ½ Flag Icon
1989 The Belfry
Sutton Coldfield, England
14 14 Flag IconFlag Icon
1987 Muirfield Village GC
Dublin, Ohio
13 15 Flag Icon
1985 The Belfry
Sutton Coldfield, England
11 ½ 16 ½ Flag Icon
1983 PGA National GC
Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
14 ½ 13 ½ Flag Icon
1981 Walton Health GC
Surrey, England
18 ½ 9 ½ Flag Icon
1979 The Greenbrier
White Sulfer Springs, W. Va.
17 11 Flag Icon
1977 Royal Lytham & St. Annes
St. Annes, England
12 ½ 7 ½ Flag Icon
1975 Laurel Valley GC
Ligonier, Pa.
21 11 Flag Icon
1973 Muirfield
Edinburgh, Scotland
19 13 Flag Icon
1971 Old Warson CC
St. Louis, Mo.
18 ½ 13 ½ Flag Icon
1969 Royal Birkdale GC
Southport, England
16 16 Flag IconFlag Icon
1967 Champions GC
Houston, Texas
23 ½ 8 ½ Flag Icon
1965 Royal Birkdale GC
Southport, England
19 ½ 12 ½ Flag Icon
1963 East Lake CC
Atlanta, Ga.
23 9 Flag Icon
1961 Royal Lytham & St. Annes
St, Annes, England
14 ½ 9 ½ Flag Icon
1959 Eldorado CC
Palm Desert, Calif.
8 ½ 3 ½ Flag Icon
1957 Lindrick GC
Yorkshire, England
4 ½ 7 ½ Flag Icon
1955 Thunderbird CC
Palm Springs, Calif.
8 4 Flag Icon
1953 Wentworth GC
Wentworth, England
6 ½ 5 ½ Flag Icon
1951 Pinehurst CC
Pinehurst, N.C.
9 ½ 2 ½ Flag Icon
1949 Ganton GC
Scarborough, England
7 5 Flag Icon
1947 Portland Golf Club
Portland, Ore.
11 1 Flag Icon
No Matches played due to World War II
1937 Southport & Ainsdale GC
Southport, England
8 4 Flag Icon
1935 Ridgewood CC
Ridgewood, N.J.
9 3 Flag Icon
1933 Southport & Ainsdale GC
Southport, England
5 ½ 6 ½ Flag Icon
1931 Scioto CC
Columbus, Ohio
9 3 Flag Icon
1929 Moortown GC
Leeds, England
5 7 Flag Icon
1927 Worcester CC
Worcester, Mass.
9 ½ 2 ½
Long-knockers like Dustin Johnson could have a decided advantage, even if they don't always keep their tee shots in the fairway.

Setup comes as a surprise for some, and could provide Team USA with an edge

After spending a couple days checking out the Twenty Ten Course, says Steve Eubanks, several players and observers believe that Team USA could benefit most from the way the Europeans have set it up.

When asked about the setup for the Twenty Ten Course, Lee Westwood said, “I think Colin set this golf course up for long, straight, good drivers of the golf ball.”

If that’s true, advantage USA.

Why Montgomerie would want to get into a driving contest with the longest hitting team in Ryder Cup history is anybody’s guess, but after two days of practice, one thing is clear: the European captain definitely did not go out of his way to set up the course to favor his squad.

“I was shocked when I saw the setup,” Andy North said after his first trip around the Twenty Ten Course. “There are spots beyond 300 yards where it’s wide open. I don’t think Corey (Pavin) would have set it up any different.”

The American team has six players -- Dustin Johnson, Bubba Watson, Phil Mickelson, Tiger Woods, Jeff Overton, and Stewart Cink -- who carry the ball in the air more than 290 yards. Hunter Mahan and Rickie Fowler hit it long as well, but on a slightly lower trajectory. Four of the Americans -- Johnson, Watson, Mickelson and Woods -- fly their tee shots well past the 300-yard mark on a routine basis. This is a huge advantage when you’re hitting approaches to slow, flat greens like the ones at the Twenty Ten Course.

“I think it's a wonderful golf course,” Mickelson said. “It's in terrific shape, and the holes themselves have a lot of risk/reward, a lot of real big penalties if you mis-hit a shot and a lot of rewards if you pull off a shot. The par 3s are very challenging, shaved banks. The drivable par 4 seems like a risk/reward. This is going to be a great venue for match play where players can be aggressive without fearing the big number.”

The drivable par 4 Mickelson referred to is the 15th, an uphill, blind dogleg right. The front of the green is only 265 yards from the tee, and while it requires hitting the ball over a cluster of trees, as North put it, “Dustin can get a 2-iron there.” North, the two-time U.S. Open winner, stood on the 15th tee, shrugged and said, “Why wouldn’t you go for it? I could reach it. Heck, Corey could reach it and he’s the shortest hitter in America.”

Granted the rough is high, and perhaps Captain Montgomerie is expecting the long-hitting Americans to be equally wild off the tee. But as former Ryder Cup Captain Paul Azinger said, “Their guys are going to be hitting wedge seven to 10 times a round. Our guys are going to be hitting wedge nine to 12 times a round. When your opponent is hitting wedge three more times per round than you, you’re going to have a hard time beating that guy.”

And don’t forget, Europe has some bombers of its own. Rory McIlroy hits it as long and straight as anyone in the game, and Lee Westwood is a great driver of the golf ball. Graeme McDowell proved he could hit fairways under pressure when he won the U.S. Open at Pebble Beach. He also won the Wales Open on the Twenty Ten Course earlier in the year.

The advantage the Americans could have is in their ability to advance the ball out of the thick, wet rough. It is easier to hit the ball out of heavy grass with a wedge than it is with a 7-iron, so being longer off the tee, even if slightly askew, is better than missing the short grass by a couple of feet well back. Plus, bigger, stronger athletes have an easier time muscling the ball out of the muck. On that front, Johnson, Woods, Mickelson, Watson, Ogilvy and Mahan have the upper hand.

Golf isn’t a game of brute strength, but if the expected rain comes in on Friday and the rough becomes like glued duck weeds, the Americans could have the edge. Everyone will miss some fairways under Ryder Cup pressure. When that happens, the advantage will shift to the longer, stronger players. And nobody from either side can beat Dustin Johnson and Tiger Woods at arm wrestling.

“It looks as though Monty set this course up hoping the weather would go south and his guys would handle that better,” North said. Betting on bad weather is a risky strategy. It remains to be seen if it will be an effective one.



Ping 在初期成立的時候,訂定一個規章,只要是巡迴賽球員使用了 Ping 任何一款推桿拿下了巡迴賽冠軍,Ping 公司就會另外特別製作兩支同款的 24k 鍍金推桿,一支送給那位冠軍球員,另一支就收藏於 Ping 公司的收藏館裡,目前 Ping 已經成立了 50 年,收藏館裡已將近有4,000支 24k 鍍金推桿了。
90年前的3支 Ping 24k 鍍金推桿 這3款是 Ping Pal 4 ,Ping Zing 2 ,Ping Anser 4

後面是 Ping 公司的名稱 Karsten MFG. Corp

下面一行是 州和城市 Phoenix AZ (鳳凰城、亞利桑那州) 郵編 85068

這是 Ping 早期的做法,公司的名稱 州和城市 郵編 製作於推桿後

90 年後就不再如此了

Tiger Woods 從小也用 Ping 的推桿,雖然目前都用著 Titleist Scotty Cameron 的推桿,但大家請注意 "球王" 他還是用著 Ping 的推桿握把,只是都塗抹了黑色的漆,他只鍾情 Ping 那樣的握把手感。

Tiger Woods is synonymous with Nike's swoosh. Thirteen of his 14 clubs are made by Nike, and he's outfitted by the company from head to toe. The lone exception is his Scotty Cameron putter. But the grip on King Arthur's Excalibur isn't made by either company, it's made by Ping. (Woods used a Ping Anser for years as a junior golfer.)

Ping 是世界上最早製作生產推桿重心分佈於兩邊的推桿,在6、70年代取得無數的冠軍,1962首度取得美巡賽冠軍,1969年取得Master大師賽的冠軍。為什麼取名Ping? 因為它早期的推桿擊中球的聲音就是像Ping這樣很輕脆,所以就此取名。

它設計的種類繁多,早期使用的材料有黃銅,铍銅,鎳合金,不鏽鋼,玫瑰金色銅與24K鍍金(後兩款極其稀有),它的價值不僅是推桿設計的先驅者,更因為使 用的材料經長時間與氧化的關係,整個表面會產生年代久遠味道和感覺確實是可謂經典,其中更以"Anser"為經典中的經典,其實沒有"Anser"這個拼 音,當初是要用Answer的,但因為設計的關係沒有太多的空間放入六個字母,所以將 W 去掉了,經典 Ping Putter 的故事還很多。

這支是經過修飾與改造,34" SW D-8
