
Swing analysis of Anthony Kim

1. Okay, today, we will do a“real”swing analysis of Anthony Kim's swing.Now, this young man gas a great swing and might start taking over PGA Tour with multiple wins.
2. At takeaway, Anthony is a little too much inside. (This is what the“traditional”golf teachers teach you. But don't be fooled, the follow-through will prove that Anothony“came back”to the right plane to hit the ball, which almost every pro tour golfer does)
3. At half-way, Anthony is still way too inside but that's okay as it will get from here on.
4. At top os his swing, you can see how well his hands, and clubface are in-plane. (The four diagonal lines represent the true plane of the golf swing)
5. At downswing, Anthony is slightly inside the plane, which is perfectly acceptable.
6. At impact, notice how his left arms is straight and right arms slightly bent like at address.
7. Now what impresses me about Anthony Kim's swing is not his takeaway or backswing but right after impact.
As you can see, his clubface is almost dead-on or slightly outside the plane. This movement is actually the best move. (Players like Ben Hogan and Tiger Woods do this)
8.After impact, it gets even better as Anthony's club stays on-plane.
9.At finish, check out how controlled his right foot is, it's barely coming up.
What can you learn from Anthony Kim's swing?
There are many ways to swing the club. Try to focus on getting that club on-plane at the top of your swing and after impact.
Even most tour pros have completely different opinions on how to swing on-plane but their after impact positions will be the same.
Here's Anthony Kim's swing in slow-motion (SWING VISION):
Swing isn't everything but does help.
Here's a good video of Anthony Kim's swing. From what I can tell as a pro golfer, Anthony Kim comes the closes to mimicking Tiger’s followthrough. Well, I think it's actually better than Tiger's as Anthony doesn't lift off his left foot like Tiger used to do at his age.
Anthony Kim Driver Slo Mo Verizon Heritage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8finF6n64Qg
This young man has a great future ahead of him. I won’t be surprised if he keeps winning more tournaments this year.
Hurray, go Anthony! :)

