
Belive or not

This is impressive. The Commuter, a short HD film starring Dev Patel (of Slumdog Millionaire fame) and Pamela Anderson, was shot entirely on the Nokia N8 mobile phone.

The groundbreaking film, directed by the McHenry Brothers, was shot in just four days with the Nokia N8 using no back up cameras, with the streets of London and St Albans providing the backdrop to Nokia’s story about one commuter’s eventful journey to work.

The Nokia N8 sports a 12 MP camera that can also capture 720p HD video. For comparison, here’s another short film that was captured using an iPhone 4.

你會有點驚訝地,拍攝這部電影是完全使用iPhone4,編輯和iMovie中的應用程式,錄像還包括幕後的鏡頭。iPhone 4包括一個高清攝像機和有一個內置的LED(發光二極管燈),你在黑暗中拍攝可照亮現場,內裡的iPhone軟件可以進行基本的編輯。除了高清晰度攝像鏡頭在背面,iPhone4前面有一個VGA的相機鏡頭,特點是記錄自拍肖像的影片。

