

It has been quite a while I have watch( Hong Kong movie) which I nearly gave up hope on them.
A movie about Hong Kong's most safety country are to be tested.
This round their system are to be tested as it hit mid night,
the hijackers possess direct knowledge of police procedures hijack a fully loaded police van carrying the
force’s most advanced equipment and five highly trained officers then make them disappeared off the grid.
With high ransom demand from the kidnapers, with safety of the hostages or the reputation of the police are at stake,
this new case called Cold War being named.

I must say, one of the best movie after long while that thrilled all of us with all mystery puzzle that keep you
guessing who is the mastermind behind the cases. Then only realise its . .. . (watch yourself).
Some of my friends are confuse on the movie, but just to let you know, there might be a part 2.
What I loved most: Interesting Storyline with some great actings.
The plot is quite well written with some twists and surprises.



Just seen Fri night,Ι never expected that I would like so much a "French" film.
But from the first minutes it got my total attention.
What really surprised me is that for a drama, the story goes really fast.What a great film!!! It's going to very difficult to put into words what this film has achieved.
Both Francois Cluzet and Omar Sy give perfect performances as a couple of men dealing with hardships and develop a very strong friendship in spite of their very different backgrounds.
With the help of a sharp and insightful script, the two actors go through a series of incidents,learning to appreciate each other's values and grow closer because they understand each other and how difficult life can be.
Phillipe is at a point in his life where he is ready to give up, Driss comes up with an alternative point of view,and it is his resolution not to wallow in self pity or treat others any differently that attracts Phillipe.Soon, Phillipe is enjoying life again, and he tries to

correspond and do something for Driss,and the results will make your spirits soar.The film is rich with emotion,and Phillipe's party and Driss' treat scene are formidable cinema pieces where
everything comes together,as the screen fills with music, song, dance, and some striking visuals.



(Swing Mechanism and Scoring)

(比賽中的)得分(Scoring)是什麼? .... {我不懂正式中文寫法,麻煩有識之士提供正式翻譯.} 在高爾夫裏,這是一種藝術,一種對自身能力瞭解及懂得應用的藝術!你不需要年青力壯,你不需要擁有漂亮動作,更不需要擁有最新最貴的球具,當然你需要有一定的技巧,當你明白這藝術時你便能拿到低分數。
在過程中,你需要不停的練習,不停的學習,不停的找尋,有些人可能要花很長時間...但當你明白後便能把成績突破! 這些時間不是以年份來計算,而是你花在練習場上的球數和下場次數來厘定。
我打球多年,但成績總是在9字徘徊,其實我雖打了多年球,我每週練一到兩小時...每週打一場球, 為什麼這麼多年也破不了9字?"
"打球不是像酒計年份,而是計算你付出多少血汗,你有多明白你的能力,你有多清楚你打球時是否勉強了自己能力,懂揮杆不是代表可拿好成績! 你要懂 '拿分數'" 當局者迷 ... 曾幾何時我也迷失過 .... 揮杆動作,是如何去"學"....拿分數,是如何去"應用"....如你只花時間在如何去"學"...那麼,成績怎會有進步!


The alternative rules of golf

Don't buy a putter until you've had a chance to throw it.

Never try to keep more than 300 separate thoughts in your mind during your swing.

When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls.

If you're afraid a full shot might reach the green while the foursome ahead of you is still putting out, you have two options:
You can immediately shank a lay-up, or you can wait until the green is clear and top a ball halfway there.

The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the golf swing.

No matter how bad you are playing, it is always possible to play worse.

The inevitable result of any golf lesson is the instant elimination of the one critical unconscious motionthat allowed you to compensate for all of your many other errors.

Everyone replaces his divot after a perfect approach shot.

A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponents' luck.

It is surprisingly easy to hole a fifty foot putt . . . for a 10.

Nonchalant putts count the same as chalant putts.

The shortest distance between any two points on a golf course is a straight line that passes directly through the center of a very large tree.

You can hit a two acre fairway 10% of the time and a two inch branch 90% of the time.

If you really want to get better at golf, go back and take it up at a much earlier age.

Since bad shots come in groups of three, a fourth bad shot is actually the beginning of the next group of three.

When you look up, causing an awful shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment when you ought to start watching the ball,if you ever want to see it again.

Every time a golfer makes a birdie, he must subsequently make two triple bogeys to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe.

If you want to hit a 7 iron as far as Tiger Woods does, simply try to use one to lay up just short of a water hazard.

To calculate the speed of a player's downswing, multiply the speed of his back-swing by his handicap:
I.e., back-swing = 20 mph,, handicap = 15, downswing = 300 mph.

There are two things you can learn by stopping your back-swing at the top and checking the position of your hands:
how many hands you have and which one is wearing the glove.

Hazards attract; fairways repel.

A ball you can see in the rough from 50 yards away is not yours.

If there is a ball on the fringe and a ball in the bunker, your ball is in the bunker. If both balls are in the bunker, yours is in the footprint.

It's easier to get up at 6:00 AM to play golf than at 10:00 to mow the yard.

A good drive on the 18th hole has stopped many a golfer from giving up the game.

Golf is the perfect thing to do on Sunday, because you always end up having to pray a lot.

A good golf partner is one who's always slightly worse than you are . . . that's why I get so many calls to play with friends.

If there's a storm rolling in, you'll be having the game of your life.

Golf balls are like eggs: They're white, they're sold by the dozen, and you need to buy fresh ones each week.

It's amazing how a golfer who never helps out around the house will replace his divots, repair his ball marks, and rake his sand traps.

If your opponent has trouble remembering whether he shot a six or a seven, he probably shot an eight (or worse).